Friday, June 10, 2011

The End of an Era

If you are able to bring a food item, please contact Camille Ebert.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Trips and Weekend Get Aways

If you have a favorite day trip or weekend get away that you are willing to share in our adventure booklet or present at our meeting, please email Camille Ebert. Your write up may include not only what to do and see in a certain location, but also favorite restaurants, ice cream stands, scenic drives in the area, etc. that you recommend.

Also, if you have a favorite local dish that you would like to bring for our lunch, please let Camille Ebert know as well. (Some suggestions would be anything using cranberries, maple syrup, blueberries, seafood, Boston baked beans, etc.!)

Please RSVP to Camille Ebert at

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Relief Society Birthday Celebration

Please email Camille Ebert with one sentence that describes a unique situation you have been in or thing that you have done during your life. These statements will be used during a "guess who" game, so we are hoping for a piece of information about each sister that does not obviously give away her identity, but may provide a clue for some sisters as to who she may be. These statements can be serious, humorous or church appropriately shocking! Even if you are not able to attend our meeting, we would love to have you send in a statement.

In addition, if you have any artifacts from being in the Weston Ward or our relief society that you are willing to display, such as homemaking items, old photos, etc. please bring them to our activity.

Lastly, if you are interested in bringing a birthday cake for dessert, please let Camille Ebert know.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sweets and Treats Workshop

If you have a favorite appetizer that you are willing to bring
for our "appetizer bar", please let me know.
RSVP to Camille Ebert at
Please sign up to help in the nursery for a 30 minute
block if you are bringing your children.
The sign-up sheet will be available upon drop off.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Behind the Scenes

RSVP to Camille Ebert at
Please sign up to help in the nursery for a 30 minute
block if you are bringing your children.
The sign up sheet will be available upon drop off.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Service, Love and Christmas Cheer!

Our night of service, love and Christmas cheer will include five service project groups:
  • assembling missionary boxes and writing letters to our missionaries
  • making baby blankets for a women and children's shelter
  • making warm winter scarfs for homeless women in Boston
  • assembling our baby hats for a hospital in RI
  • putting together birthday party boxes for women in a shelter who would like to give a birthday party for thier child
Please RSVP to Camille Ebert at and indicate the service project in which you would like to participate.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Celebrate! Building Relationships Through Holidays and Traditions

Please email Camille Ebert at with your traditions, decorating ideas, outings, activities, stories, or recipes that you use to celebrate events throughout the year. We will be compiling a book entitled Celebrate! that we hope to fill full of our own ideas!